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School Council


What is School Council? School Council consults with parents and guardians of students enrolled at VCI along with the greater community and provides advice to the administration and the UCDSB on behalf of the school community. School Council can also raise funds throughout the year to support students and staff, as well as fund bursaries for graduating students.


Why join School Council? School Council is a great way to get involved in school life and make a difference! Meetings involve reports from student leaders, staff and administration, as well as constructive discussion and initiatives that allow families to better engage in school life.


How do I join? We welcome all parents and guardians to School Council meetings throughout the year as attendees. Those wishing be a formal Member of Council are expected to attend all regular meetings, vote on matters and to participate in sub-committees. Member of Council positions are held by election: interested parents/guardians must complete their self-nomination by printing and returning the attached form “2023-24 VCI School Council Nomination Form” to the VCI main office, or by scanning and emailing to [email protected] *Please note the deadline for nomination submission is Friday, September 29th at 2:30pm* Nominees’ names will be posted as part of the October 5th Meeting Agenda.


When are elections held?: Elections will be held at the first meeting of the year, which will be October 5th 2023 at 6:00pm in the VCI Library.


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